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There are 22 economics and personal finance lesson materials. Use the pull-down menus to narrow the results.
Three fables to teach money management to pre-school through fifth grade. Financial Fables is an e-book with colorful bird characters who face and solve financial problems. Younger children can use the "Read to me" function that ... more »
Grades: K-2, 3-5 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: lessons
The Federal Reserve System is our nation’s central bank. Composed of the 12 regional federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., the Fed serves three crucial functions in our economy. It establishes and i... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: lesson
Money Fundamentals
  • Currently 0.00/5
This lesson provides an introduction to the US central bank and its role in conducting monetary policy. Students will learn the tools of monetary policy and how they work, as well as identify how the Federal Reserve Bank serves t... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
The Money Circle
  • Currently 0.00/5
A series of lessons by the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank about money and monetary policy from the Federal Reserve more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Evolution of Money more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Functions and characteristics of Money more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
How education and training relate to earnings more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Investigation of income categories more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Spending Choices and Creditworthiness more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Budgeting and Financial Planning more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Saving and Investing more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
How the Fed impacts money flow and consumers, Fed's role in stabilizing the economy more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Building Personal Wealth
  • Currently 0.00/5
Building Personal Wealth, Unit 1, Budget to Save, defining wealth and financial goals, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Interactive version also available. more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Building Personal Wealth
  • Currently 0.00/5
Building Personal Wealth, Unit 2, Save and Invest, Rewards, Risks, Entreprenuership from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Interactive version also available. more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Our Money
  • Currently 0.00/5
Although money takes many different forms, this unit primarily examines currency issued by the U.S. government; from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
What is a Dollar Worth?
  • Currently 0.00/5
Introduces concept of inflation and methods of comparing prices from different periods; from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis more »
Grades: 6-8, 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Gives historical perspective on banking regulation and the evolution of the Federal Reserve System. Sketches out modern issues in banking--consolidation and deposit insurance; from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
Interview with Adam Smith
  • Currently 0.00/5
more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Federal Reserve Education | Type: Lesson
