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This website catalogues and provides teachers' reviews of all of the K-12 economic education materials online. The site was launched in 2008 thanks to funding by the Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation, and support by the Center for Economic Education at UNO, and the Council for Economic Education.

Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation

The mission of the Carl K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation is to address the issue of economic illiteracy.

The Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation Inc. is a non-political education organization that was incorporated as a nonprofit organization under the Statue Laws of the State of Connecticut on April 4, 1947.

The Foundation operates from the income of inter vivos and testamentary gifts donated by its founder. Donations to the Foundation are deductible for income tax purposes to the extent provided by law.

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Center for Economic Education - University of Nebraska at Omaha

EcEdWeb, the Economic Education Web online since 1995, specializes in providing support, information, and resources to help K-12 teachers bring economics into their classrooms. The UNO Center for Economic Education provides instructional and professional development services in economic and personal finance education to all school districts in the Omaha metropolitan area.

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Council for Economic Education

The Council for Economic Education is a nationwide network that leads in promoting economic literacy with students and their teachers. The Council for Economic Education's mission is to help students develop the real-life skills they need to succeed: to be able to think and choose responsibly as consumers, savers, investors, citizens, members of the work force, and effective participants in a global economy.

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