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There are 1820 economics and personal finance lesson materials. Use the pull-down menus to narrow the results.
During his campaign for governor of the State of Minnesota, former professional wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura, promised to return to the taxpayers of Minnesota the budget surpluses that had been accumulating in the state. Upon... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The environment has recently been the focus of much research and discussion. Because productive resources are limited, it is important that we use resources wisely to ensure that resources will be available for use in future... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
You've heard your parents talk about Social Security, and perhaps you have a grandparent who counts on receiving a Social Security check every month. Will you be able to count on Social Security, too? Many people believe tha... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Your task is to become more informed about the 'Banana War,' to develop an understanding of the issues at stake, and to compose an e-mail letter the the World Trade Organization outlining what you think should be done about the... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Economic Indicators
  • Currently 4.00/5
How do economists make their forecasts about the U.S. economy? What are the economic indicators that help forecast economic activity and business cycles? In this lesson you will be able to retrieve up-to-date, key economic statist... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
On November 1, 1999, Walter Payton, former Chicago Bears running back, died waiting for a liver transplant. Payton's death re-opened the nation's attention to the issue of organ donation. The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Money is What Money Does
  • Currently 0.00/5
Throughout history, a wide variety of items have served as money. These include gold, silver, large stone wheels, tobacco, beer, dog teeth, porpoise teeth, cattle, metal coins, paper bills, and checks. All of these types of money... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
According to the Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, tenth edition, the term "strike" is defined as a "temporary stoppage of activities to protest against an act or condition." This is what the NBA players... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The Euro Makes its Debut
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On Jan. 1, 1999 11 European countries united in the European Monetary Union. The new single currency bloc includes almost 300 million consumers and creates the second-largest economy in the world. How will this new union affect th... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Demand and Supply On-line
  • Currently 0.00/5
Basic discussion of demand and supply and the determinants of demand and supply. Includes several short lessons and self-quiz for students on understanding shifts in demand and supply. more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: EcEdWeb | Type: Lesson
One Country / Two Systems
  • Currently 0.00/5
It has been one and a half years since British rule ended in Hong Kong and control of the city was returned to China. Under the Joint Declaration, Hong Kong is guaranteed a high degree of autonomy from China for fifty years a... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Should the Endangered Species Act of 1973 be left alone so the legal system is left to decide the toughest cases? Should the Endangered Species Act of 1973 be revised in order to increase economic growth without endangering listed... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Is the distribution of income in the United States becoming more unequal? Does the average American today have a higher or lower standard of living than the average American of a generation ago? Will the next generation have a hig... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Seven years into its life as an independent state, Ukraine seems to be lagging behind other post-Soviet countries in economic development. News stories describing living conditions and political infrastructure are indicative of an... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Eco-terrorism in Vail, CO
  • Currently 0.00/5
The Earth Liberation front admitted responsibility for blazes set early Monday morning, October 20, 1998 in the ski village of Vail, Colorado. What are some other viewpoints on the Vail expansion and eco-terrorism? Are ther... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
On October 15, 1998 Alan Greenspan and the Board of Governors, in a surprise move ordered short-term interest rates cut by 0.25%. What prompted the Fed to take this action? What impact will the rate change have on the economy... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The Credit Card Mystery
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Interest rates change. Rates for mortgages and car loans go up and down. Yet interest on credit card balances remains high relative to other rates. Some politicians periodically call for government-imposed ceilings on credit card ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
In 1998, the Senate voted to reject a $1 increase in the federal hourly minimum wage. The vote fell along party lines, with Democrats voting in favor of the proposal and Republicans voting against it. Interview your classma... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
During the week of September 20, 1998, the US Senate agreed to debate a bill (S 1301), intended to make it more difficult for people of means to use bankruptcy to walk away from debt. Those who could pay at least 20 percent o... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
In September 1998, the Malaysian government instituted controls in order to protect its currency. How does this affect the prices of goods and services purchased by foreigners?Students gain a better understanding of the consequ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
