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There are 1820 economics and personal finance lesson materials. Use the pull-down menus to narrow the results.
An Entreduction
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This lesson illustrates the differences between inventions and innovations. It discusses what entrepreneurs are and their role with inventions and innovations. more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, went into effect on January 1, 1994. The Agreement phases out most tariffs between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Tariffs, which are taxes on imports, increase the price ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
All economic questions and problems arise from scarcity. Economics assumes people do not have the resources do satisfy all of their wants. Therefore, we must make choices about how to allocate those resources. We make decision... more »
Grades: 6-8 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving? Are you joined by friends and/or family for a special feast? What do you eat? Most American families celebrate Thanksgiving by cooking turkey. According to, approx. 88... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Economics is often called the "science of decision making." The decisions that economists analyze range from personal decisions such as how big a pizza to order or whether to buy or lease a new car to the decisions ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Imagine that you've just graduated from college and have been offered a position with a firm in New York City. You can't wait to start living in your own apartment. Your Aunt Bernice, who lives in Brooklyn Heights, has offered... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Okay, so your tuna fish sandwich probably isn't worth a couple grand. It's most likely made with a type of tuna called albacore. But, on the docks in Tokyo different kind of tuna, related to the stuff in your sandwich, is sold... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Learn about the status of farming as a career, investigate the management of a family farm, and examine one recent farm crisis in this lesson. You'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view some of the materials for this article... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
This lesson has students explore differences in regional housing costs, determine the percentage of gross income spent on housing, assess the impact of housing costs on a relocation decision and recognize wages and housing costs a... more »
Grades: 6-8, 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Deflationary conditions in the United States have not returned since the Great Depression. Instead, U.S. policymakers have frequently found it necessary to battle inflation over the past sixty years. While not a problem in A... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
What do you think of when you think of the National Parks System? Do you think of the majesty of the Grand Canyon and the redwoods of Northern California? Or does the serenity of Cape Cod and the Everglades come to mind? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Economists do not operate in a vacuum. If an economist is going to suggest that the price of a good needs to be increased, he or she needs to consider who will bear the increase in costs. Will the costs be distributed equally ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
In this lesson students working in cooperative groups will: 1.Discuss food items they consume for breakfast. 2.Investigate elements of foreign culture, particularly food. 3.Use map skills to locate selected foreign nations.... more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Economic efficiency is something much more than producing goods at the lowest possible cost. In involves providing individuals with the goods and services they desire, in the quantities, qualities, places, and times they desire th... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
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All resources are limited. It is this simple fact--scarcity--that forces us to make decisions. When we do make a choice, we pass up some other opportunity. Opportunity cost is defined as the next best alternative not chosen, ... more »
Grades: 3-5 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
'The Wizard of Oz' is perhaps the most popular film ever made. Generations of families have enjoyed this classic tale of Dorothy's struggle to return home from a faraway land. What is not well known, however, is that 'The Wonderfu... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Time Value of Money
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Suppose your brother or sister owed you $500. Would you rather have this money repaid to you right away, in one payment, or spread out over a year in four installment payments? Would it make a difference either way? more »
Grades: 6-8, 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Have you ever thought of how much it might cost you to finance the purchase of a home? The home's purchase price is likely to be many times the yearly income of the typical household. If families waited until they had accumul... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the first ten amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights) reflect the United States founders' desire for individual freedom and their opposition to the centraliza... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Almost everybody has heard about the Y2K problem. It has raised fears about everything from the security of our water supply to the threat of missile attacks triggered by computer glitches. Some of these threats seem pretty f... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
