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Your search resulted in 1208 economics and personal finance lesson materials that have been added during the last 9 months.
ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Is there a fair and efficient way to fund and maintain the public services we want? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
ESSENTIAL DILEMMA When, if ever, should the nation prioritize balancing the federal budget? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
COMPELLING QUESTION Why do politicians disagree on economic issues -- isn't there one right answer? Students work in small groups and are assigned a version of diary excerpts written by a student intern working for a policym... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Money and Elections
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Students will be introduced to the sources of campaign war chests, learning about the recent court decisions that have allowed for the creation of "Super PACS" and 501 (c) (4) organizations. The exploration will turn to ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The students examine economic data in order to predict the results of presidential elections. more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The Fiscal Ship | Activity
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Think like a president! Choose strategies to keep the federal debt in check as you play The Fiscal Ship, a game developed by the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at the Brookings Institution and the Wilson Center. ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Interactive Tool
Voters and Elections
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Students identify costs associated with voting. Then they make predictions about who might be more likely to vote based on their understanding of opportunity costs. more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Margin Of Error
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The lesson begins with an introduction to the use of polls in political campaigns. The students are introduced to the term "margin of error". The students participate in a sampling game in which they try to predict the proportion ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Public Choice Economics
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Students participate in a series of classroom elections to analyze special-interest effects and see how the costs of voting and acquiring information about candidates or propositions on a ballot affect whether or not people vote, ... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The students examine results from opinion polls conducted near the end of the 2012 presidential campaign. They compare results from several national polls to those of the Iowa Electronic Markets (hereafter, the IEM), an online fut... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Could the conflict over the Second National Bank have been resolved in a way that supported the values advocated by both President Jackson and Congress? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Were the contradictory responses political leaders had to the panic of 1893 driven more by economic/political self-interest or by differing visions of what kind of country they wanted the United States to be? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Because of its thematic importance, this lesson is not framed as an inquiry-driven dilemma, but instead, as a collection of resources that can be used as part of an informational lesson directed by the teacher or made available... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
The History of Medicare
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ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Medicare 1966: President Lyndon Johnson’s “American way” or Ronald Reagan’s “advance wave of socialism”? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
ESSENTIAL DILEMMA: Social Security Act of 1935: Did the creation of a federally administered old-age pension program support or threaten American values and traditions? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
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ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Is it convincing facts or effective rhetoric that determines what the public thinks about the debt and the deficit? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Should political philosophy influence how we view the federal budget? more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Students view a video on inflation and are introduced to the concept of unemployment. They then utilize Excel to create scatterplots, regression line equations, and correlation coefficients (r) for inflation and unemployment data... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
Students will interpret the United States business cycle in terms of a piecewise function. They will analyze specific points, slopes, and relative extrema of different sections of the cycle and formulate equations that represent t... more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Can the United States make a decision to reduce or modify spending on defense without jeopardizing the country's security goals?  more »
Grades: 9-12 | Source: Council for Economic Education (EconEdLink) | Type: Lesson
