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Which to be? Tory or Patriot?
Source: EconFun | Type: lesson

After students have read about and studied many details about life in the colonies just prior to the Revolutionary War, they will apply the principles of the Handy Dandy Guide to explore the choices of people loyal to King George and people who wanted independence. This is Lesson 1 in Adventures in Economics and U.S. History, Volume 2.




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The great debate!    May 23, 2010
By: Adams, D
This lesson provides a good skeleton to explore the reasons why colonists came to America. The hands-on usage of the Handy Dandy Guide is excellent and invites the students to use their deductive reasoning to explore choices and incentives as well as consequences. The usage of Jean Fritz books would provide good background, however, I would also provide a KWL chart to begin the lesson or some type of visual form of review for the students showing what Torries and Patriots were. This lesson could not be done without that review unless you were in the middle of a unit on Colonization in America and assessing their learning or prior knowledge. I don't think there is much to engage the children at the 3-5 level in the lesson. I might provide a Reader's Theater or some graphic organizer/activity to make the lesson more kinestetic. Just writing about the Torries or Patriots would not be very engaging. Perhaps even a debate in the classroom would be fun... they always enjoy presenting and proving their point of view.